Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Am I behind the 8 Ball?

I've been thinking, as you do when you are in this predicament.  I am now 5 weeks post op and not due to see my specialist until week 7. I'm starting to think he is is a figment of my imagination as it's been so long. All I have is a piece of paper with the protocol my Dr is following. No signs of any physio or exercises aside from wiggle my toes and exercising the quad.
After reading so many positive stories of people weight bearing at this point, I am now concerned how slow this is going. AM I BEHIND THE 8 BALL ?
I am at the point where I'm struggling with the idea that I am still 7 weeks away from wearing shoes and driving again. Frustrated is an understatement. Mildly pissed is another understatement. You feeling where this is going?  So I started reading up and watched some youtube videos and decided to take out one of my wedges to get me closer to the goal. Ouch! Swelling and a sore heel for a few days but I'm good as gold now. So happy with that first attempt of moving this along. Once the swelling went down and the pain was mild I decided to see what my foot was capable of.  I have been petrified to say the least about re-rupturing it but where's that going to get me... stressed so I'm over that buzz now and concentrating on 'How strong is my ankle/leg'. Granted I am not going to win a race against a snail to date but man can I hop!  I have managed to move my ankle up and down without any pain and some control, I can place it flat on the scales and bear some weight. So next on the plan was started bearing some more weight on it while in my boot.
I started using the knee scooter around the house and then branched out to the mall two days in a row and ended up with a really sore knee cap so had to go back to crutches all the time. They suck! I think I will have a burning ceremony at the end of all this (ok I won't the hospital will bill me for them but the thought is there).  I attempted to walk on my boot, felt pretty flat after that, looked worse than a waddling duck but each day I have improved. I am now cooking dinner without the crutches and feel like I am making some progress. Made an appointment with a physio who I have been too in the past. Hoping to get some rehab happening before my appointment in 10 days. Keep you posted :)

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